Jatoba, commonly known as Brazilian Cherry, is a South American hardwood sourced from Bolivia. Its heartwood colors vary from a light, orangish brown to a darker, reddish brown. Their color tends to darken over time from light exposure. Jatoba is a very dense and firm wood that has a good natural luster. Its density allows Jatoba to be a good material for not only flooring, but also furniture, cabinetry, and shipbuilding. It also has very good rot resistance along with its density and hardness which makes it an excellent material for flooring with long life expectancy.
Our woods are harvested sustainably in accordance with the Lacey Act and FSC regulations to ensure that our practices are environmentally sustainable.
Natural - Brazilian Cherry
Species: Brazilian Cherry (Jatoba)
Scientific Name: Hymenaea courbaril
Janka Score: 2690 lbf
Grade: FAS & COM1
Moisture Content: 8-10%
Finish: UV Cured Aluminum Oxide by PPG
Warranty: 25 year residential warranty
Colors: Natural, Cherry, Dark
Textures: Smooth